“Chuck’s guidance is both gentle and powerful. His intentionality and heart shine through his work in a way that created a container safe enough for me to face some of my darkest shadows and highest peaks. Chuck blends indigenous wisdom with modern sensibility in a way that carries both depth and joy. My vision fast with Chuck was easily one of the most powerful and healing journeys of my life and one that I am still learning from years later. Chuck is a true teacher, guide, elder and friend.”
~ Cody
Rites of Passage Participant
“I went on a vision fast through Reconnecting to Our Nature during the summer of 2020. At age 50, I can safely say that it was one of the most powerful and transformative experiences of my life. I had no idea what to expect, and had never been camping before, so I was quite apprehensive about what was going to unfold. However, I quickly found myself completely at ease with Chuck and Bettina, our guides, as well as the other participants. I was able to open up and share my intentions with the group, and then was able to achieve what I had set out to do, mainly to allow myself to feel and process some experiences that were stuck for a very long time. I felt free, empowered and seen, and spent an incredible week in a beautiful natural setting. It is an experience I will never forget, and one I I hope to repeat at some point, as I feel like I was given a fresh start and an even bigger appreciation for the magic of nature.”
Thanks so much for creating the Wild Edge of Sorrow group as a safe space for us to share and process our grief. I knew I had things inside needing to be grieved but I really was not sure such a group would be helpful to me. Somewhat to my surprise, I felt safe several times to share my pain. The most moving moments for me were when I saw that others were moved to tears by my grief. That really supported and moved me deeply…to feel honored and joined in my grieving!
“I took part in Chuck’s grief group in the fall of 2020. Chuck is very adept at creating a space of trust and safety, which made it easier for us to talk about some of the more difficult themes. The once-a-week gathering was something I looked forward to each week, as it allowed me to focus on myself and my experience, and always left me feeling lighter at the end of the day. Our last get together was steeped in ritual and ceremony, and allowed us to express our grief regarding events we have not been able to fully grieve before. I am so grateful to have been part of such an incredibly healing experience, and would recommend this to everyone, as we all suffer from loss in our lifetime.” —HS
“As mother nature brings sudden and dramatic changes in the form of weather, there comes the opportunity and need to respond to these changes. Although we often complain, resist, and stress about how nature has affected our plans, Chuck (and his partner Kelly) modeled the much healthier and in-tune approach: acknowledge and adapt to the changes. As heavy snow came and our proposed mountain-based site for a Reconnecting to Spring program was no longer the most effective and environmentally friendly option, they adapted. With acknowledgement and faith that nature was providing an opportunity, Chuck and Kelly graciously opened up their home and hearts to host the event on their picturesque property. Here, the longer solo hike was replaced by a shorter one in the surrounding nature, and the opportunity to participate in a powerful purification ceremony and sweat lodge on site was added. This receptiveness and awareness to what nature was offering and the fluid response that was demonstrated clearly showed an example of attuned connection to nature. What a great way to set the tone for Reconnecting to the Seasons.
Through various ceremonial and experiential activities, the healing lodge, thoughtful lessons on the values and impacts of Spring, and through the opportunities to reflect and share as a community in council, I was able to authentically and personally reconnect to nature. Chuck and mother nature beautifully and intentionally co-created a safe space to pause and listen, to connect and feel deeply, to let go, and to open up more fully to life and the wisdom within and around us. I felt positively challenged and impelled to show up fully, supported in my vulnerability, and encouraged to practice and maintain this connection in my daily life. I’m truly grateful for this opportunity and I believe strongly that these programs are effective and valuable opportunities for us all.”
Reconnecting to Spring Participant
“As a military veteran turned therapist I have had to learn a lot of new skills and traits to help me in my new role. Launching a private practice right after graduate school can also be a bit terrifying as it brings many new challenges of being an entrepreneur while still learning to become a licensed clinician. All of this can bring intense anxiety and fear into many situations, so I have been seeking alternative forms of self care and personal development to help me during this time of great transition. I want to make sure I deliver the best service to my clients and this can mean unnecessary expectations of myself, which can also limit my ability to be authentic because of being too concerned with how I am coming across, or how effective the intervention is, instead of just being present, which is what matters most. So, I recently had the opportunity to attend Chuck’s Reconnecting to Summer program and I feel that it brought me many things, but most importantly it gave me a new pair of glasses to view myself and the world, which has helped me to focus on what truly matters and to believe in myself when my performance anxiety creeps up. Shortly after attending his course, I found myself jumping into new situations with a new found inner peace and willingness to volunteer for situations that would normally bring immense fear and doubt. It is amazing how we all hold the answers we need within, and Chuck beautifully weaves together his therapeutic training, personal experiences, and his passion for connecting to nature in a format that encourages each participant to connect with parts of themselves that have been neglected or may need to be brought into a new role. I look forward to attending the Reconnecting to Fall with Chuck to see what lessons and insights will unfold while reconnecting to our inner and outer nature.”
Participant in Many Reconnecting to the Seasons Day Programs
As a third-year college student with an [unofficial] full time job, I often find myself with a completely packed schedule. I’m not a fan of making excuses, but I must admit that I’ve fallen victim to it in every aspect of my life these past few months. Add a life-changing traumatic experience on top of those stressors and I suddenly feel like I’ve lost a massive part of myself. Working with Chuck on the Reconnecting to Summer day reminded me of my mindful nature. It’s hard to describe the experience in words outside of transformative, enlightening, and refreshing. The three hours we were released on the land to explore by ourselves was a beautiful reminder that we must leave time for self-love every single day – whatever that looks like to you.
Participant in Reconnecting to the Seasons
I went on a vision fast through Reconnecting to Our Nature during the summer of 2020. At age 50, I can safely say that it was one of the most powerful and transformative experiences of my life. I had no idea what to expect, and had never been camping before, so I was quite apprehensive about what was going to unfold. However, I quickly found myself completely at ease with Chuck and Bettina, our guides, as well as the other participants. I was able to open up and share my intentions with the group, and then was able to achieve what I had set out to do, mainly to allow myself to feel and process some experiences that were stuck for a very long time. I felt free, empowered and seen, and spent an incredible week in a beautiful natural setting. It is an experience I will never forget, and one I hope to repeat at some point, as I feel like I was given a fresh start and an even bigger appreciation for the magic of nature.
Participant in Vision Fast
I had the pleasure of joining Chuck’s inaugural grief group, an experience that I will never forget. Through weeks of reading, self-study, introspection, immersing in nature, and connecting with our group through stories, songs, poems, and rituals – I was given a supportive space to grow, heal, build trust and companionship, and provide support and compassion for each other. I didn’t know what to expect embarking on this journey of grief work, but I am so grateful for how inspiring and moving the experience was, and to see so much love and empathy being shared by all. The experience is highly recommended for anyone looking to grow through loss and cultivate more gratitude in their life. I’m confident this experience will stay with me for a long time, and I look forward to participate in further rituals in the future.