Divination is an ancient practice enabling messages from something beyond yourself to come through and offer input and guidance. It is not telling you what to do, only providing suggestion and perspective in looking at a situation differently. It is an empowering way to examine what is going on in your life as it relates to your personal medicine, purpose, spirit, and community forming a deeper sense of personal identity and belonging within your life.
Chuck has been trained and certified by elder Malidoma Patrice Somé, PhD from Burkina Faso, West Africa in the art of cowry shell divination. Cowry shell divination utilizes a connection with the client’s ancestors and the ancestors of the diviner along with the map of the medicine wheel and elemental forces or archetypes of Fire, Water, Earth, Nature, and Mineral to help you see your own natural elemental and spiritual landscape; where you have help and support and where you may be out of balance and needing some intention and effort to re-energize and come back into wholeness and balance.
Some may be familiar with people who use tarot or other card decks, the I-Ching, or other tools of divination. This process is different in that it utilizes and aligns itself with nature and the foundational elements of life as well as the ancestors. Often, there is a prescription of specific exercises and/or rituals to do to help in what you are seeking based on what is revealed in the divination.
Seeking a divination can be done for general guidance on life path and purpose, or divinations can be sought repeatedly over time for more specific questions and guidence. Divinations can be carried out one on one for the personal level, for couples/relationships/families, or as group inquiry or even at a collective community level.
Engaging in a divination session will help you go deep quick. You can think of it as a brief deep dive counseling/coaching session involving not just you and a human but the ancestors and spirit realm with the addition of ritual elements. Before your divination session choose a particular area of you life that you wish to explore and email me your full given name at birth and date of birth when scheduling as well as a question or two at least one day prior to your divination that you wish to be the focus during the reading.
About the elements
Fire – is the first element to be created in the universe, present at the time of the big
bang. It is the portal to the realm of the ancestors and a primary element of transformation. Fire can distill anything down to it’s essence.
Water – is the second element that came to temper the fire, offering peace, healing, cleansing, alignment, and flow. When water is flowing it is healthy and clear. When water becomes stagnant sickness can come. Water goes the deepest into the heart of issues.
Earth – The water mixed with fire and cooled off making the material world of earth, offering us home, belonging, nurturing, nourishment, groundedness, shelter, and protection. When we are solidly connected to the earth we know who we are, where we belong, and we have all that we need.
Mineral – the element of stone, metal, and bone comes from deep in the earth, carrying with it the original instructions, stories, memories, and blueprint for our life. It is the element of manifestation of ideas, thoughts, visions and our purpose into the material world.
Nature – is the element of change, authenticity, magic, and transformation. Nature is constant change and everything we have and need first has come through and from nature. Nature helps us connect to the source of change and our wild primal instinctual wisdom.