Drinking from the Well: Men’s Grief Ritual Weekend
Drinking from the Well: Men’s Grief Ritual Weekend
Everything we love we will lose. Most of us have lost something valuable already. Grief unfelt, unattended to, or stuffed down interferes with life. Life is renewed and fed by the cycles and passage of time, but time alone does not heal. We can re-align back into the flow of life gain vibrance by harvesting the meaning and purpose from our experiences, especially those that stir grief by tending to these processes intentionally.
Join us for a 24 hour retreat to deepen in relationship to grief, form community, be in ritual, support others, and connect more fully to your human experience including life, death, and more renewed vibrant life.
June 4 11:00AM to – June 5 11:00AM, 2022
Fort Collins, CO
Doors Open for Registration, Tent Setup, Socializing 10:00AM.
Be prepared to be in your seat, ready to start by 11:00AM.
In this retreat you will explore, deepen, and strengthen your connection and relationships to:
Your life path
A community of men
People that have lived before you
Your ancestry
Cycles of life and death
Shared human experience
And you will leave renewed and re-committed to living fully, nourished and enlivened by the depths of your soul.