Spring! Paradox, Opposites, Extremes
Breaking my own norms about how often I post, I felt called to share a few more words this morning. With almost a foot of snow after the sunny bluebird morning setting of yesterday’s video, I couldn’t help but talk about how spring brings extremes and opposites.
What do we do with them? How do we choose to move with them, or against them? There are no “shoulds.” But only what is needed, what is best, and what we can observe and learn.
Yesterday was only moderately challenging for me of able body to walk far up the hill and share some words and a beautiful vista with you. Today it would have taken so much work and effort. I could have done it, but would it be worth it? Is that the best use of my time and energy, to fight against this heavy snow causing the newly budding trees to bow low to the ground under it’s weight?
Once again, I’ll invite you into your own adventure and relationship with nature. It only takes intention, willingness, mindful awareness. It doesn’t take going deep into the wilderness. This video was shot in my backyard. Your backyard, porch, neighborhood, or closest park also has lots of wisdom and messages for you. Will you go out and listen? If you need help and guidance, we can go with you and show you how.