An “Ordinary” Nature Connected Walk
It is a cold overcast January day. I set off with my two dogs into the natural area. I don’t have a specific need or question today, but as I pass through the gate I set an intention to be open to what messages or lessons nature may have for me today. I’m a little cold and the leashes get tangled, I wonder if I’ll be present and aware enough to learn anything today. Or will anything even happen? Maybe it will just be another ordinary walk outside. I guess even if nothing happens, at least I’m outside walking.
As we get to a trail intersection, I had planned to continue up the hill as I usually do, but one of my dogs is really intent on heading south. We rarely go that way, so I’m surprised he is heading that way. For a moment I’m tempted to stick with my plan, but knowing I asked to “listen to nature” I decide to listen to my dog and head south. Over a couple hills I see the head of a doe sticking up above the horizon. I am grateful and wonder what she may have to say. As I keep walking toward her, I see another doe, and then a whole herd of them. Too many to count. They all bound away as I get closer.
I start to hear construction noises and smells as I near a parking lot. I decide to turn a different direction to not get too close to them, but again make note of this unplanned encounter. Turning east I head to the frozen water. I feel a pull in that direction and decide to listen to it. As I approach the water, I hear it talking. Deep, surreal noises coming from the ice. I stand still and listen for a while. Construction noises in the background, the water talking up close. Crack crack crack! A big shift in the ice makes a big noise! This alternates occasionally quiet, occasionally a big loud noise and periodic deep howls. I walk along the water’s edge dodging in and out of barren Cottonwoods and notice a rich blue section in the ice. Man made? Nature made? How did it get there? What does it mean for my intention?
Continuing to follow my impulses I start heading back to my starting point. But first thanking the water and ice for the messages. Dogs are barking. A blue jay is pecking at some food. My heart is open, happy, content with my journey. Not much happened. And yet powerful signs appeared on my path. What does it mean? How does it inform me? I have some ideas from all my other experiences with nature and my knowledge of the directions, but there is no direct literal interpretation. I’ll continue to sit with these encounters, tell others of my journey, and allow insights to arise spontaneously on their own. Just as the beings did on my walk.
What does it say to you? Will you join me on a journey sometime?
Chuck Hancock, M.Ed., LPC, EMDR II is a Licensed Professional Counselor with over 8 years experience counseling, mentoring, and leading groups for older teens, college students, and adults of all genders. Chuck has worked in private practice, Colorado State University, Front Range Community College, Outward Bound, and with the UC Health Crisis Assessment Team. He works experientially both in the office and outdoors and enjoys bringing fun, deep compassion, and playfulness to the most challenging situations. Chuck also has training and certification in MBSR-T (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction for Teens), as a Wilderness First Responder (WFR) and has facilitated hundreds of Challenge Courses, team building, and community building programs. In addition to his work as a professional therapist at Inner Life Adventures (, he is a father of two children and connects deeply with nature through camping, hiking, trail running, canoeing, meditation, yoga, and wanding off trail whenever possible. Chuck has trained with School of Lost Borders and is active with the Wilderness Guides Council and is working locally on developing a nature based coaching, mentoring, and rites of passage program with Reconnecting to Our Nature.